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Projects of American houses. American-style house - excellent house designs with luxurious design (125 photos of new products)

By writing this title, I mean a house that the average American family can afford. IN in this case, I just went to and looked for houses within a 30 mile radius around me.

By the way, I searched for a long time because the photos are bad. Americans don’t really bother taking photos, since everyone roughly knows what’s inside. You'll still have to go and see.

In general, I have chosen a couple of houses with a cost of up to 200 thousand. And I will try to comment on what you will see in the pictures. Because such houses are even very familiar to me.

Here's a look at the house. 3 Bed 3 Bath, that is, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with toilets. In the first photo, as the song says: “This will be the front, it’s called the façade.”

I've lived almost exactly like this before. So, I know the structure of the house well. On the right is a garage for 2 cars, and the garage is quite long and spacious. On the left is the entrance and a small porch. A tiny front garden, by default the builders plant rose hips there. We go into the house:

On the left is the entrance door, immediately from it there is a staircase to the second floor. Directly you see the windows facing the front yard, that is, right in front of the house. In the first photo, these are the same windows to the left of the front door, are you oriented? There are two figurines hanging on the wall, just for beauty.

If we don’t stop in place and continue to stomp, we will reach the opposite wall of the house and exit through the glass sliding door to the backyard, that is, to backyard.

Our kitchen was made differently, and even on the right, not the left. Here is the same kitchen in more detail:

The refrigerator is a bit far from the stove. Not very convenient, we had it next to the stove. Here, above the stove, a microwave oven is attached to the wall - this is often done now. This also seems inconvenient to me, because it is simply dangerous to lower the hot stuff from above.

Plates are now made with double oven. That is, the lower one is large, and the upper one is slightly smaller, so as not to waste gas if you just need to stew one chicken. There is one oven here. There must be lighting above the stove and a hood with a fan at two speeds.

When renting out a house, as a rule, everything is already worth it, except for the refrigerator. Or maybe they’re already building in a refrigerator now. To the right of the sink is a dishwasher - dishwasher. The sink itself must have a built-in waste shredder - a disposal.

I stole this from another house, but that’s the point. There are suspended ceilings upstairs, long white doors to the right and left—these are built-in storage rooms. Well, here workplace for a hacker it is shown as I see it. A pair of monitors for what else?

In general, I didn’t see anything in the basements: bars, game rooms, gyms, workshops. I show a piece of my basement in this video: Fizkult-Greetings from Doctor Vlad I’m not inserting it here so as not to take up space, just click on the link.

On the ground floor, in addition to the hall with the kitchen, there are two more rooms - on the left and on the right. Here is one of these rooms from the same house:

Here it is empty. You can leave it like that. I've seen some done game room for children. Let me note that it’s not the wires sticking out of the ceiling, but a standard chandelier like the one in the picture. It has a chain, meaning it can be raised or lowered. Either it is above the table, then they lower it. Or there is no table, then they lift it up so as not to bump heads. As long as I’ve lived, I bump into people like this all the time! 🙂

Often one of these side rooms has a fireplace, TV and armchairs. Now I'll steal the photo from somewhere else at their house.

Yes, here is a classic of the genre - a relaxation room with a fireplace, with a TV on the wall. From about the same house. There is also a sofa and comfortable, soft chairs. We've eaten, now we can sleep! All this is still on the first floor.

And here the fireplace is small. Pay attention to the ceiling - it is sloping. That is, there is a roof right on top, without an attic above this room. And two windows to look at the stars. In the last photo in the article you will see these windows on the left, right in the roof.

It's empty here now, but that's because the house is for sale. Of course, an appropriate environment is always created around the fireplace.

And in this picture there is already the second floor, that is, one of the bedrooms.

Most likely, this is the parent's bedroom, that is, the master bedroom. It is different in that it has its own toilet and bath. There is often a double sink there, so as not to quarrel in the morning.

The ceiling is also sloping, this is done to create more volume in the bedrooms. There's a fan with lights on top. Sometimes it is controlled by a remote control so you don’t have to get up and turn off the lights.

This is the master bedroom bathroom. Our toilet was around the corner and the bathtub was opposite. Well, there may be different subtleties. All toilets must have ventilation. Turns on next to the light.

But this is a children's bedroom. It was the former residents who decorated it this way. Of course, there are a million options. It depends on what kind of children you have. Americans always try to ensure that each child has his own room.

And a third bedroom. So, they took it and painted it in different colors. It is clear that this is also a children's bedroom.

Another small photo: the Landry Room, that is, the washing and drying machines. The author got greedy and apparently filmed it on his phone. And now I’ll steal from another house and glue them together.

You can see for yourself that the cars on the right are more modern. Both there and there you can see where the hot and cold water. The gas for the dryer is connected at the bottom. The left photo shows how washing machine stands on a pallet, under the pallet is a drain. This room is small, just behind the entrance from the garage.

Finally, look at the back of this house.

In our house the facade was exactly the same, but at the back both floors were full, covering the entire house. Apparently the bedrooms here are small. On the ground floor there is a small window for the kitchen. They always make him so small. There are no pictures of the garages, otherwise I would have posted them too.

I just figured it out, there’s a lot I haven’t talked about yet. Every room must have a smoke detector hanging on the wall or ceiling. And now they are obligated to display a CO indicator, that is, carbon monoxide.

This is the so-called carbon monoxide without color and smell, which is exactly what they “burn” if you close the stove too early. They are the ones who are poisoned. All these sensors howl terribly when my wife is cooking and something is on fire in the house. And they only fall silent if you ventilate everything thoroughly.

These indicators have another unpleasant property. When the battery starts to run low, they seem to beep. The best at night! You get up, pull the battery out of it and put a new one in in the morning.

I haven't turned up the lighting yet. It turned out well, right? There are a lot of switches in the house. The simplest example is that you entered the house, turned on the light, undressed and took off your shoes and went straight up to the second floor. There is a second switch there that can be used to turn off the light on the stairs. And there are plenty of such “paired” or even triple switches throughout the house.

In short, I'm wrapping up. Ask if anything is unclear. Here is a direct link to this house: 2461 Hearthstone Drive And here is another one on the second one, where I also took the pictures from: 1471 Hearthstone Drive As you can see, they are on the same street.

Both houses are from Hampshire, not far from me and from Chicago. The one I mainly talked about costs 190 thousand, the second 170. Approximately, because you can always bargain and come to an agreement.

P.S. And this is what a small apartment looks like, which can be obtained almost free of charge for people with little income.

Such a house is good for a young family with (or will have) children and pets. The house is average in size, but there is enough space for everyone. Each child has his own room. Similar houses are in demand among buyers for whom the phrase “American home” is consonant with the “American dream”.

American home design

The first thing that catches your eye when you see the photo American home– a wide veranda with a neat fence. There are always several chairs and sometimes a table on the veranda. It's like an outdoor living room. And in front of the house there is a well-groomed lawn. This pleasant picture is the face of the whole house, as if saying “welcome”, hospitable people live here!

Such a house is most often two-story, on a low foundation. The front door is equipped with a wide porch (covered terrace) with a staircase. Mostly houses without architectural frills. White facade, dark shutters on the windows. Moreover, the shutters are done cleanly decorative function. Sloping roof. A spacious garage is always attached to the house. A well-groomed lawn is required in front of the house.

The backyard is spacious if the size of the lot allows. Sometimes there is a pool in the backyard. If there is not enough space for a swimming pool, then at least a lawn for a barbecue. Often a putting green or basketball court is installed in the backyard.

The simple structure and design of the American home is due to its history. Not so long ago, cottages in America were built not to be too long term services. External walls are made of plywood, internal walls are made of plasterboard. Causes:

  • mild climate, allowing you to neglect the insulation of the house;
  • frequent hurricanes destroying houses (so the house was easy to rebuild);
  • and of course, the relative cheapness of such buildings.

Over time in frame construction Technologies were introduced to combine ease of construction with strength of materials. For example, the use of SIP panels, which we will talk about later. All this helped to become similar houses not only an economical home, but also withstand the test of time and weather conditions.

There are several main styles American houses:

  • colonial;
  • Tudor style;
  • Victorian style;
  • rustic;
  • ranch style.

Layout and interior

The layout of American houses implies a combination of comfort and practicality. Rooms for the whole family are a must here. At the same time, there is a place for everyone to retire. Everyone has their own own bedroom. And often, its own bathroom with toilet.

You can enter the house not only through the front door. Most often there are two or three entrance doors on the ground floor. Front door or front door, made of pressed wood or MDF. Backdoor(often glass) leads to the back patio. The third door is to the workshop, through which you can go to the garage.

All auxiliary rooms are usually located on the ground floor. A living rooms- On the second floor. So, on the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, hall, dining room. Also on the ground floor one room can be reserved for an office. The basement is equipped for a library, gym, bar or games room.

The bedrooms are located on the second floor. Sometimes the children's rooms can be on the second floor, and the parents' bedroom can be on the first floor. Each bedroom has a dressing room and, as already mentioned, a bathroom with toilet. There is often a fan on the ceiling instead of a chandelier. And lighting is provided using spotlights or floor lamps.

Auxiliary or work premises:

  1. Dressing rooms, built-in wardrobes and storage rooms are provided for storing things.
  2. The washing machine is not installed in the bathroom, but in a special room for washing. Linen can also be dried and ironed here.
  3. The kitchen is always spacious. And very comfortable. Often the kitchen is combined with the dining room, where there is a large dinner table and the whole family gathers.

The layout of a one-story American house is similar. The bedrooms are located in the part of the house farthest from the garage. Adjacent to the garage is a workshop, a laundry room, and sometimes a kitchen-dining room.

We build the American way

Built using American technology frame houses, which are easy to build and rebuild. The advantage of such technologies is the speed of construction of buildings. Of the main types of construction of American houses, the most popular are:

  • frame modular housing construction;
  • frame-panel house or frame-panel house.

Modular housing construction. Buildings are constructed in the form of sections (modules). The designs of such American houses are of the same type. It is cheaper to assemble the house directly at the factory and transport it to the site using a special carrier trailer. Often this is mobile homes that have no foundation. A modular house-designer can be assembled directly at the factory, but it can also be construction site. While the foundation is being poured, sections of the house are being assembled nearby. Factory assembly provides for built-in communications and even furniture.

Panel or panel house. The essence of the technology is that the building is assembled from panels (boards, blocks) sewn onto a pre-built wooden frame. Can be used as panels various materials:

  1. OSB board or plywood. Previously, they were widely used to build houses in areas with mild climates. In our conditions they do not apply.
  2. Thermoblock. The thermoblock is based on polystyrene foam insulation in a metal frame. Expanded polystyrene has excellent heat-saving properties.
  3. The so-called SIP panel. The outer walls of the panel are made of OSB, and the inside is made of polystyrene foam. Thanks to its three-layer structure, this panel can withstand longitudinal and lateral loads well. Therefore, a SIP house is very durable.

Decoration Materials:

  1. The outside of the house is covered with siding or wooden clapboard. Brick cladding and tiles are less common.
  2. Interior finishing of walls and ceiling - plasterboard or lining.
  3. Floor covering - carpet, wood or tile.

The disadvantage of American wooden houses there is an increased fire hazard. If an entire area consists of such houses, then all of them can burn down. Therefore, houses are required to be equipped with smoke detectors. Also, to reduce the fire hazard, OSB boards are treated with a fire retardant, which gives the material self-extinguishing properties.

If you are planning to build a house using American technology, first of all, you need to select high-quality panels. When purchasing panels, you must be one hundred percent sure that they were not produced in a handicraft manner. Make sure that the manufacturing technology meets the standards. Otherwise, the house you built risks collapsing like a house of cards. Fire protection treatment of slabs is also important.

Construction period frame-panel house– from one month to three. Choose the one that suits your needs individual conditions house design is not difficult.

Construction stages:

  • pouring the foundation;
  • frame construction;
  • installation of floors and roofs;
  • arrangement of all internal communications (sewage, electricity and others);
  • Finishing work.

The frame is assembled from 150*50 mm timber. Mineral wool is placed between the frame posts. External wall mounted from OSB. Then the horizontal sheathing is installed. Insulation is placed between the sheathing. If you use SIP panels or thermoblocks, then you do not need to equip the horizontal lathing with insulation.

The horizontal lathing is covered with a vapor barrier membrane. And already on top of the membrane a vertical sheathing for the external finishing material. WITH inside The frame is also laid with a vapor-tight membrane. Then drywall.

Internal partitions can be mounted from timber 150*50 or 100*50 mm. Also between the racks there is mineral wool or other rolled insulation. A membrane is attached to both sides of the frame. Then the unchanged drywall.

For finishing works everyone chooses materials to their own taste. Can be done traditionally external cladding do it with siding, or you can use plaster. Interior American houses are also a matter of taste. Since America is a colonial territory, each nation created interiors of different styles in identical American cottages. Therefore, do not look for a standard, but give room to your imagination.

Some people consider frame houses to be undignified and unfounded. Either way brickwork. Let's face it: American frame houses are not castles. However, most people with average incomes will agree that the cost-effectiveness of building such houses is a big plus. In the end, comfort is more important for a family than pretentious surroundings. But this does not mean that frame houses are gray and inconspicuous. Photos and videos of American houses made in different designer stylesthe best for that proof.

American houses, photo:

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The American style was formed later than most architectural movements. At the end of the 18th century, about 85% of the white population of the North American colonies were from Britain or Ireland; this became a determining factor in the appearance of homes. The American house could not help but borrow the characteristic features of English buildings different styles- Tudor, Georgian, and later Victorian.

And, of course, the surrounding reality has made its own adjustments to construction techniques and house design. The first colonists had more than enough land and built their farms to be as spacious and practical as possible. City houses could have features of English, German, and, to the south, Spanish styles; they were built from wood and brick. Buildings in the outback acquired features of a style that is now called country (sometimes ranch style). Modern house V American style enjoys steady popularity; attracts customers functional layout, bright personality and always appropriate interior.

A typical house for big family

American style: design features

Americans are considered a practical nation; this property helped make the houses simple in appearance and comfortable. American houses (projects and layouts) are easily recognizable:

    Form. Buildings, as a rule, have a symmetrical shape in plan, one (more economical) or two ( more possibilities for planning their) floors and low foundation.

    Environment. The garden plot is clearly zoned and well-groomed; the owners allocate space for a children's playground, barbecue area, garden furniture, and a swimming pool. In front of the main facade there is often a well-groomed lawn with the pride of the owner - a flower bed.

    Project details. The house is decorated with a terrace, veranda or spacious porch. American-style house designs certainly include a spacious attached garage.

Atypical option - two full floors and an attic floor

    Exterior. Laconic, with a predominance of straight lines, made in light, calm colors. For decoration, natural materials are used (stone, brick, wood) or the façade walls are covered with plaster, clapboard, or vinyl siding.

    Window. American house designs are characterized by big amount windows They often have an arched shape - influenced by the Spanish style - and are equipped with shutters.

    Attic. A frequent detail of projects, especially in houses with wooden facade. Often it is equipped with a balcony or panoramic window; additional windows are installed on the roof.

    Inputs. There are several of them: a front door and an additional one (one or more), through which you can access the backyard terrace.

    Roof. Pitched, complex asymmetrical shape.

Type of style: ascetic on the outside, but comfortable on the inside


The layout of an American-style house has well-established canons. Main principle, which they try to follow when building housing - space and freedom for each family member. Therefore, in both one- and two-story houses, the premises are made as large as possible, and everyone has separate room. The layout of American houses has the following features:

    First floor. There is an entrance hall, a large kitchen, which is often separated from the living room by a bar counter or a partition, a dining room, a guest bedroom and a bathroom. Sometimes an adult bedroom, a study room and a gym are located on the ground floor.

    Second floor. Here there are personal (bedroom) rooms for family members, dressing rooms, and bathrooms.

    Garage. Typical American-style cottage designs necessarily contain a garage, often for two or more cars. It can be adjacent to the house (and have an internal entrance from the house) or be located separately and connected to the housing by a covered gallery. The garage has access to the boiler room and workshop (if provided for by the project).

First floor layout visible from the threshold

    Terrace and veranda. The wide wraparound terrace on the ground floor is an American classic; it is sometimes used as an exit from the master bedroom. Practical owners place comfortable furniture here for relaxation, hang a hammock, arrange play area for children. Here you can put a barbecue or arrange summer kitchen. They also try to make the veranda spacious; they decorate it with wicker furniture and gather there for morning coffee or evening conversation.

Materials and design features of the facade

To build American-style housing, various materials can be used, from stone, brick and concrete blocks to timber and logs. But, as you know, the favorite option for Americans is frame houses. This is due to several reasons:

    Cheap (does not affect reliability).

    Fast and easy assembly.

    Good thermal efficiency.

Modern project: three levels and combined finishing facade

Popular technologies are:

    Frame-panel (panel). Facade and interior walls assembled from panels (blocks, panels) on a pre-assembled wooden frame. Plywood and OSB boards are used as shields (which is poorly applicable in Russian conditions), thermoblocks and SIP panels (suitable for use in areas with long winters).

    Frame-modular. A more expensive option, when individual wall elements are assembled at the factory and delivered ready-made to the construction site. Each section has insulation, finishing and necessary communications.

Frame projects of American houses and cottages have no restrictions in the design of the facade. Exterior finishing carried out using the following materials:

    Facade plaster. Use different kinds plasters in light colors. Mineral plaster can be coated with a protective layer of silicate or silicone paint with vapor-permeable properties, or use acrylic facade paint.

Frame house with ground floor and facade finishing tree

    Facade clinker bricks . This cladding will provide the façade with strength and durability. Thanks to the natural shades of clinker, your home will have a beautiful appearance.

    Facade panels. Panels - modern material with a long service life, which can significantly improve the appearance of the building. Manufacturers offer wide choose colors and textures of materials imitating a natural stone and brick.

    Siding. Popular (and economical) modern version home decoration. The material has good protective characteristics and a rich palette of colors.

    Block house. Wood looks cozy and is great for decorating traditional homes. Wooden covering needs periodic treatment to protect against moisture, mold and insect pests.

Strict symmetry comes from England

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

American style in the interior

Decorating a cottage in the American style requires compliance with several conditions:

    Combining the ground floor space. A common technique is that when you enter an American house, you do not find yourself in a hallway, but immediately in a spacious living room. The living room, in turn, is separated from the dining room and kitchen symbolically - by a bar counter, shelving or a sliding partition.

    Color selection. The original American retro style implies a predominance of discreet, monochromatic shades of green, gray, and milky. Also in the palette there is always white, brown and beige colors. For bright accent colors, combinations would be appropriate: red with beige and brown, blue with white and sand, green with chocolate and cream. For country style, greater brightness and diversity are acceptable, for example, floral wallpaper or patterned furniture upholstery.

Video description

About the exterior of an American house in the following video:

    Fireplace. Direct inheritance English style, it is considered an indispensable component of the present American interior. A traditional fireplace is a fairly large structure (to match a spacious living room) with a wide mantelpiece. It can be made from any material, but it is better to face it with light stone, natural or artificial.

    Floor and walls. For the floor, it is preferable to use natural materials that are pleasant to the feet - sanded boards or parquet; laminate is also allowed. Light-colored tiles are often laid on the kitchen floor. The walls are plastered or covered with pastel-colored wallpaper.

    Accessories. Uncomplicated and relevant to the life of the owners. These can be photographs and letters in simple frames (metal, wood or plastic) on the walls or mantelpiece, memorable trinkets and elegant figurines, flowers, fruits in baskets or vases.

Modern color accents in a traditional living room

    Furniture. To maintain style, you need massive, high-quality furniture, without pretentious decoration. The finish, depending on the direction (classic or country), is chosen to be plain, with a small pattern or leather.

    Textiles and carpets. All fabrics, from curtains and sofa upholstery to blankets and tablecloths, should be light. Carpets should not completely cover the floor: a small cream or beige carpet looks stylish on dark parquet.

    Lighting. Correctly selected lighting will create the right atmosphere and help zone a large room. For the central part of the house, the living room, a large formal chandelier and additional lamps, floor lamps and table lamps are suitable.

Video description

About the tour of the American house in the following video:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Decorating rooms in an American cottage

When developing American-style house projects, architects and designers use ready-made style developments in the design of various rooms:

    Living room. They try to place furniture in the recreation area near the fireplace and away from the walls to emphasize the volume of the room. Select sofas and armchairs that are comfortable; the atmosphere is well complemented by low coffee table, display cabinet with glass front door or bookshelf. Usually in the living room there is also space for modern consumer electronics - a TV and an audio system.

The fireplace takes center stage in the living room

    Kitchen. As part common space, the kitchen repeats the style and color design of the living room. It is spacious, most often furnished wooden furniture. An indispensable attribute - Appliances, from hob to the latest model coffee maker. Since there is no partition between the kitchen and other rooms, a powerful hood and ventilation system are of great importance. The kitchen area can be decorated with a still life, landscape or decorative fruit basket.

American style recipe

    Bedroom. Bright, cozy with a high double bed, chest of drawers and dressing table. Blinds on the window protect from bright sunlight in the morning.

Traditional palette in bedroom design

    Bathroom. In a spacious house, the bathroom is not reduced in size. It is large enough to easily accommodate a bathtub, shower, sink (often two), many wall shelves and large mirrors framed by lamps. Feature American-style bathroom - a full-fledged window equipped with blinds or roller blinds. The bath is decorated in light colors. Often the size of the home allows for a separate laundry room, usually next to the kitchen or in the basement.

The bathroom is subject to the requirements of functionality and comfort

    Children's. The only place in a classic American home where style is allowed to break. The color design can be anything - from delicate beige and pink shades for girls to rich red and blue for boys. Furniture is placed along the walls, this frees up space for games. To maintain functionality, comfortable racks for toys and a spacious chest of drawers for clothes are selected for the nursery. The room is decorated with paintings drawn by its owner, posters, original chandeliers, night lights and table lamps.

Colonial style in the design of a nursery

    Basement (ground floor). Although the typical American home's foundation is low, its basement is designed to a considerable depth. This area can be used as a storage place, or a workshop, laundry room or gym.

There is also enough space in the house for a separate laundry room.

American style cottage projects

Squat and spacious houses are ideal for large land plots. Construction and design companies have extensive catalogs of American designs for houses and cottages, one- and two-story, as well as with an attic floor. If standard solutions are not suitable for the future owner, professional architects and design engineers are at his service, ready to modify existing option or create a new one. In Russian conditions, such projects have some features:

    Quality of construction. Frame technology was developed as energy efficient, so the house will be warm even in regions with prolonged frosts. The quality of housing will be ensured by a reliable development company with solid professional experience. When choosing a company, it is worth getting acquainted not only with its portfolio (which can be very impressive), but also with the objects it has actually delivered and their happy owners.

Modern American frame house project

    Ground floor. Due to the characteristics of the soil and frost heaving, it is not possible to implement a project with a basement in all regions. A smart solution would be to organize a residential attic.

Many recognizable features of the American style resonate well with the Russian customer and are present in the projects:

    Open plan and spacious premises (including utility rooms).

    Availability of wide porch, terrace or veranda With various options use.

    Attached garage , which you can get into without leaving your home (especially valuable in winter).

    Attic. Original space for the owners' private rooms.

    Project Features. Exit on two sides, basement for economic needs, built-in wardrobes and storage rooms increase the comfort and functionality of the home.

Project with an attic balcony and a small porch

Types of American house projects

In addition to the classic one, there are other types of style:

    Ranch. Such houses are often one-story, have an asymmetrical facade, an attached garage and large panoramic windows(sometimes sliding glass doors leading from the living room to the garden). The ranch can be brick or frame, with a roof with low slopes. Shades of gray, blue and brown are used to decorate the façade.

Classic American ranch

    Southwestern. A type of ranch style that mixes cowboy and Indian traditions. Such buildings are characterized by a stone or plastered facade of red or sand color; The roof is always flat and tiled.

Ranch style with a modern twist

    Such buildings are common closer to the border with Mexico. In area they are inferior to the classic ones American homes, finished with plaster (usually white, beige or ocher). The style is characterized by a flat or low roof under red tiles, arched windows and passages. The decoration is carved wooden doors, forged grilles and tile ornaments.

American interpretation leaves Spanish colonial house virtually unchanged

    Craftsman (craftsman's house). One of the most common styles. Recognizable by its low pitched roof, columns supporting the roof over the porch, stained glass in the doors and windows, and exterior stone chimneys. The interior is characterized by ceilings with exposed beams and an abundance of wood in decoration, decoration and furniture.

Popular style country design- craftsman

Turnkey construction of American-style cottages

American style frame house is economical, fast and in a practical way get your own home. Many construction companies in Moscow and the Moscow region carry out turnkey construction of houses, which means a full cycle of work, preparatory and construction. The company undertakes:

    Inspection land plot and drawing up a topographic plan.

    Finalization of the project or design from scratch.

    Budgeting and paperwork.

    Purchase and delivery of materials to the construction site.

    Carrying out construction work in compliance with all standards and quality control.

    Handing over the keys to the owner.

Project for a young family

The customer gets the opportunity:

    Make changes into a standard project.

    Explore and evaluate preliminary estimate, and after its approval enter into an agreement with the company.

    Get significant savings on building materials(as a rule, companies have permanent reliable suppliers).

    Supervise construction(by visiting in person or online).

    Pay for construction in stages or in installments.

    Get a guarantee for the work performed, and often for materials.

    Celebrate housewarming in 5-7 months after the start of construction work.

From idea to implementation it will take six months


Generations of immigrants who left Europe and settled vast spaces North America, managed to create an original architectural style that has not lost its relevance to this day. Despite the qualitatively new trends in private housing construction that have emerged over the past 50 years, American cottage projects invariably attract the attention of future homeowners. They are a tempting option for many reasons, including functionality, smart layout and presentable appearance. If you decide to become the owner of an American-style house, projects and photos of the future structure can be viewed at different variations, but they will all have common features.

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Historically, the American style of country construction is the successor to the classical European style, since the first buildings on the North American prairies were erected by people migrating from the Old World to the New. The former familiar style they brought from Europe was transformed under the influence of the new needs and lifestyle of the settlers.

Today, if these architectural traditions have changed, it is only slightly. American-style home designs still retain the clean, crisp lines of walls and roofs and an almost complete lack of embellishment. However, the abundance of dormer and attic windows, as well as the asymmetrical roof, make the façade of the house not boring and intricate in its own way.

The main idea that determined the concept of American house and cottage projects was that the home should be spacious, because it was intended not just for a large family, but for an entire family clan. Large areas made it possible to comfortably accommodate several generations of household members. That is why American-style house designs will not become outdated as long as eternal values ​​are alive.

Features of the implementation of American house projects

The American style also involves some features in construction technology and planning. The basis of any house is its foundation; in the houses in question it is unusually low. That is why designs of American houses often do not provide an entrance with a large number of steps. The low foundation, however, does not interfere with the arrangement ground floors, which, on the contrary, are located deeper than usual.

The façade is being finished natural materials, which are increasingly being replaced by imitation. Lining and siding instead of stone, sandstone and wood - not only economical, but also practical solution, because synthetic materials are easier to paint and wash.

Designed primarily for the needs of the owners, American house designs are no strangers to hospitality: the building most often has two entrances - a front entrance and an additional one, which opens onto the terrace.

As for the placement of additional amenities, for example, a garage, it is closely adjacent to the first floor. It also provides access to the workshop and exercise area. Recreation areas - playgrounds, barbecues - are located on personal plot, which is distinguished by its well-groomed and interesting design.

Special house - special layout

The unity of opposites - this is how you can define the essence of such a layout. Americans love zoning rooms, combining several functional zones into one spacious room. But at the same time, they all sacredly respect privacy, so there are always separate bedrooms, children’s rooms and guest rooms in every home.

American-style houses are usually low-rise. American projects one-story houses are found as often as buildings with two floors. But only buildings with an attic received the most widespread use.

The arrangement of the rooms, which also differs from the European one, depends on the number of floors. So, in a two-story house, adults' bedrooms are located below, while children's rooms and bathrooms are located above.

American-style houses are considered one of the most popular in Russia for the construction of suburban buildings. This is because such houses have been seen more than once in films, in pictures, and, perhaps, with our own eyes. These houses, in addition to their visual appearance, differ in mass interesting features, which are most often ignored in our country.

In this article, using a photo of an American-style house as an example, we will tell you about all its features, origin and construction.

Origin of American style

The American style was finally formed back in the 18th century and this is considered not only an element of the taste of developers of that time, but also the comfort of residents.

Americans feel much better in small private houses and believe that having your own personal independent territory is much better than being cramped in apartments multi-storey buildings. In the USA, people live in families and housing five to ten people in one apartment is not very convenient.

Also, the appearance of the style is based on religious principles. In Russia, people profess a completely different Christianity and do not think much about the design of their house, which fits the design of the local church.

In the USA, people are accustomed to being distant from others, since everyone shares their own views on religion and politics. This is a country of freedom of speech, so all people are different and you want to live separately from the annoying neighbors whom you constantly see in the entrance. In their opinion, only poor people live in apartments.

Today, American style has reached the peak of its development. Gradually improving, under the influence of changes in the world of technology, American homes have become even more interesting, comfortable and, in some cases, even energy independent.

It is also worth noting that this kind of house was originally built because of its environmentally friendly features, as well as the ability to buy materials that are not produced in the country. Today this restriction has been lifted, but residents of the country still adhere to the classic version.

Main characteristics of American-style houses

Before creating an American-style house project, everyone always thinks about what other advantages there are that are not yet known?

In fact, there is much more to them than just a beautiful appearance, interior, and also landscape design. The main features of an American-style house include the following:

  • symmetry of the structure;
  • low-rise;
  • attached garage;
  • several entrances;
  • vast territory;
  • environmentally friendly finishing;
  • veranda, terrace or wide porch.

American houses are perfectly symmetrical, which means that there is one smooth whole structure, which most often resembles the shape of a cube. Americans prefer to build houses not in width, but in height, since they do not always have the opportunity to stretch the house over a large part of the site.

A proper ratio of the house frame to the site, as well as the proportional dimensions of the walls, are considered the most convenient option for housing today.

The main feature of the American house is its low-rise structure. In general, it is not at all necessary to build houses on three floors; Russian residents also know this. Nobody wants to build high buildings, and then heat those rooms in which no one lives.

As a rule, the style consists of an advantageous layout, where on the ground floor there is a connection to all communications, as well as a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, living room and offices for work, if necessary. On the second floor there are bedrooms, as well as rooms for personal purposes. One-story houses in the American style they have fewer rooms and are not equipped with cabinets.

As with any other residential area, American cottages also equipped with a garage. The only thing is that they most often have it attached to the main structure, but if necessary additional room is not available, then you can find houses with a built-in garage.

In our country people are accustomed to metal gates, Americans, in turn, prefer roller shutters or doors that open remotely.

The layout of an American-style house is more complicated. In houses for large families you can often find several bathrooms (on the first and second floors). It’s simpler, more convenient, and if there is free space, you can use it for an additional bathroom.

Also, such a house may have two entrances - one is the front entrance, and the second is a “service” entrance, which leads to the courtyard. Americans like to divide a plot of land into several small areas so that there is room to roam, even if the plot itself is small.

As a rule, in Western countries not much territory is allocated for personal needs for ordinary citizens. That is why for centuries it has been in people’s minds that the territory needs to be zoned, which creates the effect of vastness.

On their plots, Americans prefer to create a beautiful landscape design rather than plant a row of vegetable crops. This must be taken into account when building a house, since a properly planned plot, even a small one, can look much more interesting.

A distinctive feature of an American house from a Russian one is also the environmental friendliness of the finishing. Today, more and more often, Russian owners began to decorate their premises environmentally friendly materials, as they have become more accessible both in price and in quantity. Americans love cleanliness and pleasant fresh air, so the environmental friendliness of their homes was noticed hundreds of years ago.

As for the area around the house, various playgrounds are most often built here, terraces, verandas are added, and a wide porch is made.

As a rule, before entering the territory, a beautiful alley leads to the house, and the house itself closely borders the neighboring plot, separating its premises from the neighbor’s with a simple fence. American-style home design is all about simplicity and without unnecessary elegance.

American style room decoration

Most often, the interior of an American-style house is decorated in cream tones. For this purpose, any matching tiles, as well as other materials that allow you to recreate classic style, which gives some zest from the past.

In this matter, Americans are conservative and it is much less common to find an interior in high-tech style or in other variants. You can often notice different wooden structures, which complement the interior well.

But the basis of the composition is lighting, which will bring the whole idea to life. Over the past decades, houses have begun to install energy-saving light bulbs in lamps, but the lampshades must always emit yellow light.

And yes, lamps are an important part of the decor. The more lamps and night lights, the better. Vacation home American style can be done without unnecessary lighting.

Photos of American style houses