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Projects of houses and cottages made of foam blocks and aerated concrete. Projects

The popularity of private house projects made from aerated concrete blocks indicates the demand for structures made from this material. This is due to its unique thermal conductivity properties. It is three times warmer than brick, twice as warm as ceramic blocks, and 8 times as warm as plain concrete! Aerated concrete consists of natural components, therefore it is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances during operation. He has optimal sizes and a relatively low price, which speeds up construction and allows for savings.

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Advantages of ordering a house project made from aerated blocks

If you want to build a private house from aerated concrete blocks, order a ready-made project from the Unix-Stroy company. We offer a large selection of structural and design solutions developed by experienced engineers. Our company provides full set technical documentation allowing construction to begin immediately. You can buy a house project made from aerated concrete blocks of any number of floors and architecture.

The main advantages of such buildings:

  1. light weight of the walls (due to the reduced load, the foundation is cheaper);
  2. high strength (can be built quality cottages several floors);
  3. efficiency of turnkey construction (about 5 months, including finishing and landscaping);
  4. increased comfort of seasonal living (rooms warm up much faster, which is important for country houses);
  5. There are no restrictions on finishing options (you can plaster and paint the walls or line them with brick, natural and artificial stone, siding).

How to choose a house project made of aerated concrete?

When choosing a project, consider:

  • family composition;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • total area of ​​the house made of aerated blocks;
  • layout;
  • distribution of utility networks;
  • Availability additional structures(garage, attic, etc.).

If you want to save money, order turnkey construction from us. In this case, you will receive design documentation completely free of charge. In addition, we take full responsibility for our developments and are well aware of the technology for constructing structures of the presented type.

Our company can adapt ready-made standard project for a house made of aerated blocks in accordance with your individual wishes or design from scratch, taking into account financial capabilities. As a result, you will save yourself from additional worries and get maximum result at the best price.

Increasingly, in private construction, customers are choosing new materials and technologies, refusing to build a cottage “the old fashioned way”: from or. In response to requests, our company develops standard (ready-made) and individual designs of houses made of aerated concrete (aerated blocks). For car owners we have options with a garage. In general, the cottage turns out to be more economical and provides more scope for imagination in terms of architecture and designer decoration. It’s nice when a building pleases the eye, surprises neighbors, and delights guests.

From modern materials The most famous are cellular concretes. They are widely used in Finland and can withstand severe frosts. Our catalog architectural projects houses made of aerated concrete represents interesting solutions for the construction of cottages of both one and two floors. Among them there are complex ones - using a monolithic frame and brick.

What is good about a house made of aerated concrete blocks?

While remaining “non-flammable,” this porous building stone allows air to pass almost as well as wood and is highly durable. Manufacturing a block from aerated concrete is possible only in factory conditions. It has many advantages.

  • Low cost, additional savings on transportation (light), rental of heavy special equipment.
  • Precise geometry, which allows you to lay blocks with minimal gaps and increase resistance to cracking.
  • Ease of processing reduces construction time. Aerated concrete is sawed, drilled, and grooved using simple tools.
  • Good thermal insulation— the material is 2-3 times warmer than usual, which allows you to save on heating.
  • "Breathability" However, hygroscopicity is undesirable in humid climates and protects against it brick cladding aerated concrete cottage.

The company's architects help you select a standard residential building project that best meets the requirements in terms of price, size, and style.

Design documentation for a house made of aerated concrete

On the website, the future owner of the cottage can examine it from all sides, change materials, color, and calculate an estimate for construction. Doing conscious choice, as a result, he will receive exactly such a modern Vacation home, which I dreamed of. When viewing any finished project with a layout and photo from the catalog, you will notice several important details.

  • Detailed study— the documentation package includes detailed drawings: the area and dimensions of each room are given.
  • Selection of building materials- they are indicated for each type of structure: foundation, floor, walls and roof (reinforced concrete slab, block, wooden logs).
  • Exterior finishing - V project documentation different ones are listed possible options (decorative rock, brick, plaster).

Professionally executed solutions allow you to build a house from aerated concrete in a technologically correct manner, with a guarantee of durability.

A cottage made of artificial stone is beautiful and reliable

I love you the most unconventional idea Can . Whether traditional, crisp white, or contemporary - there are almost a thousand to choose from ready-made solutions! From it you can build big cottage, and a small guest aerated concrete house for summer holidays.

Using a filter in our catalog, you can easily select the style of architecture, an option with a garage, a terrace, or a balcony. Fashionable now original layout with a second light is implemented both in spacious and small houses (116 m2).

By purchasing a cottage project made of aerated concrete with a layout from our bureau, you get confidence that it takes into account everything technological features this building material.

The construction of houses from aerated concrete allows you to implement almost any project. You can build a house from this material based on the customer’s preferences, various sizes and number of floors (up to 3 floors).

Projects of houses and cottages made of aerated concrete are a favorite among potential developers, because... have a number of advantages: speed of construction and relatively low cost. Among the characteristic properties of aerated concrete, it should be noted the low weight of the blocks themselves, sufficient thermal insulation properties and fire safety. Let's take a closer look at the properties of this material.

Projects of houses made of aerated concrete. Advantages

Thanks to innovative technologies and modern building materials, in in this case– aerated concrete blocks, construction time is minimal. The customer gains time - and this also reduces the cost of construction. If you choose a material for a house taking into account the time frame, then in terms of speed of construction, aerated concrete objects are second only to frame structures. Immediately after the construction of the house box, you can begin installation engineering communications and start internal finishing works, A facade works can be transferred. Important - interior work must be carried out in conditions of constant ventilation of the room.

Another advantage of aerated concrete blocks is the possibility of construction at any time of the year. Using special glue, the walls are formed into a monolith. The absence of seams prevents heat loss. And although aerated concrete houses take longer to warm up than wooden ones, they also retain heat and a favorable microclimate of the home longer. In addition to the above, this building material “breathes,” which is very important if people live in such a house on a permanent basis.

On our website you can view and buy projects of houses made of aerated concrete. Do not think that by purchasing a ready-made project, you will deprive your home of its individuality. For walls made of this material, you can use almost all types of modern finishing materials, which allows you to create a truly unique look for your home, taking into account the client’s preferences. The only thing when finishing the facade is to create between the walls and finishing material air cushion– this will prevent dampness of the walls and the appearance of condensation, which significantly reduces the thermal insulation properties.

And one more thing - when choosing a house made of aerated concrete blocks, you get a fireproof building. This material does not burn and, unlike ordinary concrete, is not radioactive due to the absence of granite in the composition.

Features of aerated concrete houses

Before you buy house plans made from aerated concrete, you should pay attention to the grade of the material, which depends on the method of its manufacture. So, autoclaved aerated concrete has sufficient strength and is usually used for the construction of lintels, covering slabs, etc., while non-autoclave is used for construction internal partitions And load-bearing walls. In addition to the above, aerated concrete blocks easy to process, allowing you to realize the most daring design solutions– decorate the house with arches and turrets, all kinds of decorative elements, and sound and heat insulation properties will allow you to save on finishing and heating the future home of your dreams.

Projects of aerated concrete houses developed by our specialists can be adapted according to the wishes of the customer and the terrain features of the site, or created from scratch. Undoubted advantages such as environmental friendliness and strength, lightness and thermal insulation make this material increasingly popular among budget options for building a house.

Porous aerated concrete blocks are ideal for construction country houses and dachas. Their cost is low, and the process itself is not too complicated, so many people can afford a cottage made of aerated blocks.

To avoid spending money on development individual project, you can use ready-made offers. All you have to do is choose the house you like and get to work. But first you should weigh the pros and cons of cottages in the construction of which aerated concrete blocks are used.

Features of construction from aerated concrete

Numerous air pores inside gas blocks turn them into effective insulation. A wall folded into 1-2 blocks can maintain temperature during interior spaces without additional thermal insulation. At the same time, a house made of aerated concrete with proper finishing“breathes” perfectly, maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside.

Due to its structure, the gas block also prevents the penetration of noise from the outside. Quite loud sounds up to 60 dB no longer pass through a wall thickness of only 30 cm. And the light weight of the walls allows a shallow and economical foundation to be laid in the design of a two-story house made of aerated blocks.

The only thing you need to take care of is protecting the concrete from moisture. For this purpose, the facades of cottages are usually finished with light, breathable plaster, which does not allow water to pass to the surface of the aerated blocks. Otherwise, building a house is even simpler than building brick buildings - big sizes wall blocks accelerate masonry work 2-2.5 times.

Search for a project

Before you start building a house, you will have to start designing it. Technical documentation is needed not only for coordination in all instances. With its help it is easier to control the consumption of materials, correct implementation project, as well as think through hundreds of little details on which the comfort of the residents will subsequently depend.

Even if you intend to build a house with your own hands, a carefully drawn up diagram will help you avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses. The only question is who to entrust the design to.

There are three options here:

1. It is most reliable to order a project from an agency or company. Design carried out by specialists guarantees accurate calculation of the object and trouble-free paperwork during its registration. In addition, building a house using aerated blocks requires maintaining a balance between the strength and heat-saving characteristics of load-bearing walls.

2. Finished projects houses - they are purchased separately from the same companies or ordered immediately with the construction of a standard facility. In terms of price/result ratio, this is the most profitable method.

3. A budget option also implies the use ready-made sketches. They can be found on publicly available resources; we will offer some plans as part of this article. Such designs of aerated concrete houses can be changed at your discretion, for example, by adding an attic or adding a garage during the design.

Description of different layouts

1. Cottage made of gas blocks for three rooms.

House project up to 150 sq. m thanks to its compact shape can be placed even on a standard summer cottage. At three living rooms 3-4 people can comfortably live. The dining area will be very bright in any orientation of the house, since it is surrounded on three sides by 6 windows. The dining room and the kitchen adjacent to the living room have exits to a spacious summer terrace.

To the project one-story cottage made of aerated concrete, three entrances are included - the main one from the porch and two high single-leaf windows with reverse side at home (in the living room and small bedroom).

Immediately at the entrance on both sides of the large hallway there are household services:

  • combined bathroom;
  • boiler room;
  • kitchen.

This situation facilitates the installation of utility networks in a cottage made of aerated blocks.

Projects of country houses made of aerated concrete blocks with two floors are also popular. They allow for small area land to build a spacious cottage for big family, for example, with two children of different sexes or different ages. There will be a place for guests too.

Here's a handy diagram of the building with total area 153 m2:

First floor (aerated concrete blocks and Ytong floors):

  • The hall with a complex layout is the key to the whole house. You can immediately access the guest room (9 m2), the large living room (30 m2) and the kitchen combined with the dining room (18 m2). There is also a staircase and a small bathroom with shower.
  • The household room (according to the plan, 7 m2 is allocated to it), which can serve as a laundry room or a mini-boiler room, if the cottage is intended for year-round use, is accessed from the bathroom.
  • The living room and kitchen each have a pair of tall floor-length casement windows overlooking the backyard.

Second floor project:

  • Three separate master bedrooms - one “parent” with an area of ​​19 m2 with open doors through the short staircase hall allows you to hear what is happening in the small nursery opposite. For a family with a newborn child, this is a big plus.
  • The second bedroom of 18 m2 can be given to older children.
  • On attic floor There is another combined bathroom measuring 10 square meters. Here we managed to place not only a shower cabin, but also a full bath.

3. Spacious cottage of 215 m2 made of gas blocks.

Interesting options for houses with a garage and attic. Let's take a closer look at such a complex project.

First of all, the spacious garage with an area of ​​almost 19 square meters attracts attention. From here there is an exit to utility room first level, and from there you can immediately go into a small corridor leading to the stairs. According to the project, the house has two open terraces: the main entrance leads into the house itself, and the second one is in the backyard.

First floor:

  • The number of rooms located at the very entrance to the aerated concrete house is quite large. The cut-off vestibule allows you to delay cold air from the street - through next door You can go to the central hall.
  • From here you already have access to a small bathroom, a storage room near the garage, a kitchen or a guest bedroom.
  • A wide passage connects the hall with a spacious living room of 30 m2. Its real decoration is panoramic glazing rounded corner overlooking the second terrace.
  • The living room and kitchen-dining room are essentially one huge room of complex shape, separated only by a small partition. But in meaning they are separated by the continuation of the passage from the central hall.

Second floor:

  • The staircase opens into the same spacious hall as on the first floor. And from here you can get to any room.
  • Four bedrooms measuring 11, 11.5, 13.5 and 17 square meters guarantee each family member their own living space. Such a house will be convenient even for large families where three generations live together.
  • The bathroom and toilet on the second floor are separated, which is very convenient if residents take procedures at approximately the same time.

4. Diagram of an aerated block house with a garage.

If the family is not too large - only 3-4 people, or the size of the plots in the village does not allow building one-story block houses large area, you can choose a relatively simple but capacious project.

First floor:

  • The entrance from the porch leads to a vestibule measuring 4.3 m2. The door from the attached garage next to it also opens here.
  • From the vestibule one enters a common hall connected to a bathroom, a kitchen-dining room and a free opening to the living room.
  • The second passage connects the living room and kitchen.
  • From the living room, wide glazed doors lead out to the terrace, and in the corner there is a staircase to the upper floor.


  • There are only two bedrooms of 17.4 and 9.3 m2, as well as a bathroom.
  • At the attic level, just above the garage, there is 6 square meters of free space that can be allocated to the attic.

Based on the examples of the projects reviewed, we were convinced that one-story and two-story houses, complex buildings with an attic and a garage are no more difficult to build from aerated block than from any other material. It is possible to build radius walls from aerated concrete.

For self-construction Ytong aerated concrete blocks are perfect correct form or with tongue-and-groove lock. With their low density of only 400 kg/m3, they have the necessary strength corresponding to class B2.5.

If for some reason the plans considered are not suitable, and you have firmly decided to build a house using aerated concrete, you can take as a basis any idea proposed for other materials. Anything that is built from brick, wood or a solid concrete monolith is completely within the capabilities of gas blocks.

Before you start building a house, you should decide on the building material. It must be remembered that several factors are important:

  • Material price.
  • Construction speed.
  • Performance.

Pay attention to the projects of houses made of aerated concrete. Houses built from this material are reliable and durable. They have a number of advantages over other options. Projects of houses 9 by 9 on.

Advantages of house projects made of aerated concrete and foam concrete

The use of aerated concrete blocks and the most modern technologies, allows you to significantly reduce construction time. Literally immediately after the construction of the house, you can begin laying utilities and internal work. And the final finishing of the facade can be postponed to a later time. The only mandatory condition that must be strictly observed during work indoors is constant ventilation. In terms of construction speed, only houses made of aerated concrete can compete with frame houses. But the service life of houses built from aerated concrete blocks is much longer.

Thanks to special technical specifications aerated concrete, house construction can be carried out both in winter and summer. And the use of special glue turns the wall aerated concrete house almost a monolith. But at the same time - without seams, which could become “cold bridges” and increase heat loss. Of course, houses made of aerated concrete do not warm up as quickly as wooden ones. But thermal inertia is important here. In a house built from aerated concrete blocks, heat is retained much longer, even if it is outside subzero temperature. This is very important for permanent residence in a buiding. In addition, aerated concrete “breathes”, providing comfortable conditions for residents.

To finish the facade of a house built of aerated concrete, you can use almost any material: brick, siding, natural stone, artificial, metal or composite panels. It is only necessary to ensure uniform air circulation between the insulation and the cladding. This gap should prevent the formation of condensation. Otherwise, condensation will be absorbed into mineral wool and aerated concrete, reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Aerated concrete is classified as non-combustible building materials. We can also add here that aerated concrete is less radioactive than regular concrete, because it does not contain granite, which has a higher natural radioactive background.

Projects of houses made of aerated concrete and foam concrete: conclusions

Aerated concrete is the best material today from which you can build any country private house. The advantages of aerated concrete are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, durable, good thermal insulation and fire safety. The Dom4M company has an extensive catalog of projects made from this material, and it is quite possible that one of them is for you.