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Facade plaster for aerated concrete: how to choose the composition and apply it correctly. Plastering the facade of a house made of aerated concrete

One of the most common methods of exterior facade finishing is plaster. If your house is built from aerated concrete, you need to know a number of characteristics for subsequent work on the specific structure of the blocks. To understand the meaning of plaster on the outside, you need to know the characteristics of this building material. After all the right technologybest way increasing the durability of the façade, giving it a pleasing appearance to the eyes of the home owner.

Aluminum powder is added to aerated concrete blocks during production, which serves as a gas generator. The block has a permeability much higher than that of brick. This structure allows the walls to breathe. WITH thermotechnical calculation thickness aerated concrete walls sufficient for our climate. This means that you can only get by with double-sided plaster without external insulation.

Plastering the facade can only begin after interior decoration Houses. If you start work on the outside during the construction season, and the interior after the exterior work, this will be the biggest mistake in the process. When wet internal works during evaporation, all moisture will escape in addition to ventilation through the walls. At sub-zero temperatures, the moisture will remain in the walls. In this case, the plaster will begin to flake and fall off.

It is worth considering that incorrectly selected plaster for the facade can lead to technology violations in further work.

Possible adverse effects:

  • the appearance of cracks;
  • manifestations of stains on the facade;
  • local detachment of the finishing layer;
  • swelling of the finish.

To avoid such defects, you should not blame the builders and save on building materials for finishing. If you want to do it cheaper and faster, in the end nothing will come of it. You'll have to redo everything, buying materials again.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account that the mixture must have good vapor permeability, high frost resistance and be strong in compression.

Materials for plastering the facade of a house

In order for the blocks to be for a long time protected from the penetration of rainwater, and the primer adheres firmly, a water-repellent and strengthening composition based on acrylate siloxane is required. The material must be selected so that it can be used on a loose surface. Before you start priming, the facade must be dry and the temperature should be 10–25 degrees. Before starting work, all defects and cracks must be repaired.

Then reinforcement is made using alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh. Its use is necessary for the integrity of the finish. The mesh is attached to the wall of the house in two ways:

  • the mesh is attached to the wall of the house using special screws, but this is not the most reliable way;
  • the mesh is pressed into thin-layer plaster for reinforcement, which is also a primer layer.

When choosing a material, you should not skimp. In terms of technology, cheap meshes may not be suitable.

After reinforcing the wall, you can proceed to the stage of applying plaster. To do this, you need to know how to prepare plaster for finishing a house, and what types there are.

Facade plaster for aerated concrete

Silicone – has long term operation, resistant to ultraviolet rays and temperatures, has water-repellent properties. The basis of this coating is silicone resin. Plaster is not cheap, having a number of features, it is worth it.

Decorative – indispensable for home decoration. It contains color pigments that do not require further painting. Such plaster saves energy costs and is the key to an attractive appearance of the facade.

Acrylic – resistant to temperatures and moisture, hides minor defects. Plaster is plastic and cheap, but quickly absorbs dust, reducing the brightness of the facing color.

Mineral - applied by machine. The dense structure provides a durable coating and protects the surface from temperatures.

Facade – has leveling and protective properties. Inexpensive and high-quality protection for the facade of the house. Functional plaster is easy to apply to the surface.

Cement-sand is the most famous solution, but it is not suitable for aerated concrete blocks.

Applying mortar to the wall

Once a suitable plaster has been selected, you can begin preparing and applying the mortar to the outside of the house. The dry mixture is diluted with water in a container to the required consistency. Basically, the proportions are written on the packages. Then the mixture is stirred with a construction mixer. When the solution is ready, you can proceed to finishing.

Plastering can be done in several ways:

  • with a trowel, throwing the mixture onto the wall, smoothing it with the bottom surface;
  • with a wide spatula, pressing firmly against the wall, moving it from bottom to top;
  • with a small spatula, spreading the mixture onto the wall along the outer plane. After this, everything is aligned with the rule.

Finishing technology is not special labor. The main thing is to maintain 24/7 temperature regime. In hot weather, the plaster will crack, and in frosty weather the mixture will not adhere to the surface.

If you are new to plastering exterior walls, you need to know a number of rules that will help save time and money on redoing the work:

  • the solution must be applied in even layers, otherwise cracks will form when the uneven layers dry;
  • so that the outside wall is free of stains, take a break of no more than two hours;
  • impurities that get into the solution will accelerate peeling, therefore, water, dust or dirt should not get into the mixture or onto the wall;
  • If there are lumps in the plaster, it should not be applied to the surface.

If you have doubts about the choice of selection for the facade, you need to contact a specialist. It is also worth noting that when purchasing materials, you must buy the goods in places where the appropriate documentation is available.

Aerated concrete walls must be plastered immediately. The main purpose of facade plaster is to protect walls from external atmospheric influences, as well as from negative influences external environment. Aerated concrete is susceptible to precipitation and high temperatures. This can cause cracks to appear in the walls.

For aerated concrete, water-repellent plaster is selected, which can protect the material from various precipitation. Weather, which predominate in middle lane our country, can have a detrimental effect on aerated concrete walls.

This material has the property of gas permeability. Accordingly, the plaster that will be applied to the walls must have a high coefficient of vapor permeability. It is also very important that the plaster has the properties of frost resistance and compressive strength. Modern facade plaster for aerated concrete is a dry mixture containing special protective synthetic additives.

Preparation and execution of work

The entire surface that is planned to be processed must be carefully prepared.

  1. Before carrying out work, the blocks must be cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. Fill all defects with aerated concrete block adhesive.
  3. Slopes and corners should be protected with plastic corners.
  4. All irregularities are smoothed out with a grater, and dust is swept away with a brush.
  5. Use a chisel to make a grid on the front side of the wall.
  6. During the work, beacons of a certain length are installed on the wall and fixed with nails.
  7. Wet the wall with water.

Only after this work has been completed can you begin to prepare the mixture for work. Wherein working temperature should not be below 10 degrees Celsius.

Preparation of solution for work

The façade plaster on aerated concrete itself is ready mix, which does not require any additional additives. Water is added to the mixture. Moreover, its quantity depends on many different factors. These include: the type of foundation, atmospheric conditions that prevail in the area.

If you add too much water, cracks may form on the surface, and this is unacceptable. It costs approximately 0.2 liters per kilogram of mixture to add. In this case, the optimal option is achieved.

The resulting solution must be mixed either manually or mechanical method. After 10–15 minutes, it is worth stirring the solution again. If necessary, you need to add water to the desired consistency. You need to work very quickly: ready solution retains its properties for approximately one hour after preparation.

Procedure for applying plaster

If it is necessary to apply a layer whose thickness is more than 7 millimeters, then the work takes place in two stages. In this case, the thickness of one layer should not exceed 7 millimeters. The first coat must dry before the second is applied, with the finishing method depending on the grade desired.

These are the basic principles of applying facade plaster to aerated concrete. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this work. It can easily be done by anyone as soon as possible on one's own. The most important thing is to take into account all the nuances, otherwise adverse consequences cannot be avoided.

Consequences of improper plastering of aerated concrete surfaces

Defects can be varied. For example, small cobwebby cracks may appear on the plaster, or it may swell. Large cracks may appear on the outside of the wall, which can be either vertical or horizontal. The finishing coating on the façade may even peel off.

Any shortcomings that appear will have to be eliminated. This is unnecessary work and costs that could easily be avoided. In this case, we can say that the initial savings are not justified. Most effective method is to use the optimal and high-quality composition the first time in order to avoid additional costs in the future.

Which plaster for aerated concrete is better?

Still, for the most part, cheapness leads to disastrous results in work. Various defects appear on the facade of the building, which will then have to be eliminated. When purchasing an inexpensive option, it is best to consult with specialists who have been plastering facade surfaces for a long time. They can tell you which cheap option is best for a particular situation.

European mixtures are considered the best in terms of quality. They meet all international standards, therefore they are created strictly in accordance with them. Of course, the cost of such mixtures will be much higher than the price of cheap Russian samples, but you always have to pay for quality.

Ceresit CT 24

It is a modified cement-lime mixture. The base is gray cement. Reinforcing fiber is also added to the mixture. It is ideal for aerated concrete surfaces and effectively combats recesses, cracks, and cavities on the surface of aerated concrete. It can be applied not only manually, but also mechanically using cement pumps.

TM-22 will win

An excellent option for facade surfaces made of aerated concrete. It is a multi-component dry mixture made on the basis of cement. The composition also includes quartz sand, lime and other active ingredients. This mixture has increased plasticity. Is one of the most inexpensive options for carrying out plastering work on aerated concrete.

The solution is non-shrinking, so it can be applied in a thick layer. This parameter provides the highest crack resistance. The material is fireproof. Since the composition contains lime, you should take precautions when working with this product.

Plastering aerated concrete - video

Before moving on to plastering work aerated concrete facade, it is necessary to take into account one very important point. Aerated concrete block- This fake diamond, which has a porous structure. But compared to foam concrete, aerated concrete has open pores, which is the reason for its high vapor permeability (this is a plus) and hygroscopicity (this is a minus). Hence the requirements for plaster.

Before moving on to the topic of the article, a few words about the plaster itself. That is, why it is needed and what requirements are imposed on it.

Plaster - main purpose

The main purpose of plaster mortars is to protect walls from external influences of natural loads. And the main one is precipitation that penetrates inside wall materials, gradually destroying them. This effect is especially harmful when cold weather sets in after the walls get wet.

Inside blocks and bricks, water turns into ice, expanding, it simply begins to burst the pores of the material from the inside. As a result, cracks appear on the walls, which can lead to complete destruction building structures.

And when it comes to aerated concrete blocks, we need to talk about plaster first of all. And the only important requirement for them is that façade plaster must have increased moisture resistance.

But we should not forget that the aerated concrete blocks themselves are vapor-permeable, and, therefore, the plaster must have these qualities. But these are not all the requirements for facade plaster. There are also additions:

  • High adhesion of the solution.
  • High compressive strength.
  • Frost resistance.

Selection of plaster mortar

Let’s immediately make a reservation that we should use regular aerated concrete for plastering the façade. cement-sand mortar it is forbidden. The thing is that this material has low vapor permeability. And it is believed that this indicator should only increase from layer to layer (from internal to external).

Therefore, to finish aerated concrete walls, you need a solution whose vapor permeability is higher than that of aerated concrete, or at least the same. Therefore, to finish the facade of buildings built from aerated concrete blocks, special facade plaster is required.

It is sold or ready-made in plastic buckets, or dry in paper bags of 25-30 kg. Pay attention to some indicators that are inherent in facade plaster solutions:

  • Density – 0.8 kg/dm³.
  • Fraction – 2-4 mm.
  • Water absorption is low.
  • Plasticity is high.
  • Group of plasters – PI.
  • Compression resistance class – CSI.
  • The flammability class of the material is A1.

Technology of applying facade plaster

There is a certain principle for applying plaster solutions, which concerns the thickness of the layer. The facade layer should be two times smaller than the internal one. Therefore, plaster with a thickness of 10-20 mm is applied to aerated concrete walls from the inside, and 5-10 mm to the facade.


  • Wall surfaces are examined to detect cracks, chips and other defects that must be repaired.
  • Walls made of aerated concrete must be cleaned of dust and dirt, grease and bitumen stains.
  • Then the primer is applied. Please note that the primer for aerated concrete must contain any combination of acrylate siloxane.
  • The primer material can only be applied at a temperature of +10-25C.
  • After the primer has completely dried, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is stretched onto the wall.

Advice! The mesh must be alkali-resistant. If you use another option, then there is a high probability that the facade plaster itself will corrode the reinforced frame over time. So the appearance of cracks is a matter of time. The mesh is attached to the wall with ordinary self-tapping screws.

  • If the plastering process is carried out with your own hands, then it is recommended to install beacon profiles on the wall. It is through them that it will be easy to control the application of layers of plaster.

Applying plaster

The process itself is no different if the wall is plastered with some other solution. To do this you will need all the same tools:

  • Spatulas.
  • Graters.
  • Master OK.
  • Kylo.

Experts recommend applying the solution in two layers of 7-8 mm. In this case, the applied first layer must dry. After which you can apply a second one. Often the craftsmen themselves apply plaster to aerated concrete walls in one thick layer up to 15 mm in size. The plasticity of the plaster allows this to be done without problems.

After the applied plaster solution has dried well, it is necessary to make grout from the same material. This process is intended to level the wall to the required extent. And the last stage is painting. Please note that after plastering the wall can only be painted after at least two days.

  • Facade plaster is applied to aerated concrete walls only at temperatures from +5C to +30C.
  • The plaster solution can be used within 1.5 hours. After which it gradually loses its properties.
  • Ready-made plaster is more expensive than dry mix.

  • The method of preparing a solution from dry material consists not only in good stirring, but also in the fact that there is a need to leave the semi-finished material alone so that it, as they say, “matures.” Allow 20-30 minutes for this, after which it is stirred well again using a drill or mixer.
  • Please note that facade plaster for aerated concrete is not universal material. It is better not to use it for walls made of other materials.
  • The mixture for finishing walls made of aerated concrete blocks must be selected not according to cost, but according to the requirements for the walls. And this is high vapor permeability, lightness, high adhesion and plasticity.
  • Experts recommend treating plastered and painted walls with an additional water repellent. This is not a cheap pleasure, but this particular material will increase the service life of the facade several times.

Aerated concrete walls have excellent thermal insulation qualities. But at the same time, their structure is very porous, which reduces such an indicator as moisture resistance. Therefore, they must be plastered in any case. Conventional solutions will not work here; you need a special highly plastic and vapor-permeable material. For this purpose, facade plaster is used, which is produced specifically for aerated concrete.

The use of plaster for facades extends the service life external walls from aerated concrete blocks. However, you need to choose the right material for finishing work, and comply with all the requirements for the process of finishing work, having studied the technology of working with this kind of materials.

There is a common but incorrect opinion among builders that facade plaster does not fit well on aerated concrete. It is also believed that it begins to crumble quite quickly, as a result of which the service life of the coating is reduced and the enclosing buildings become unusable. Let's look at this issue in more detail!

Main characteristics affecting plaster

Before we start talking about the technology of applying plaster to the facade of a building made of aerated concrete, let's first get acquainted with physical properties directly from the aerated concrete block.

From the point of view of interaction with external environments, the following can be distinguished:

    Moisture permeability;

    Gas permeability;

    Excellent water absorption,

    Excellent vapor permeability

    High porosity

The main conclusion: you should choose plaster with similar parameters, since it will be affected by the same properties!

What type of plaster should be used for aerated concrete?

If you use the simplest cement plaster For exterior finishing, then aerated concrete will react extremely negatively to it, namely:

    Aerated concrete will suck all the moisture out of the plaster during laying, as a result of which the mixture will become brittle and will crack as the house shrinks.

    Plus the wind and sun do their job, the moisture evaporates. In the area of ​​contact between plaster and aerated concrete, a wide variety of problems can arise, from delamination to fungi.

The main task of the facade seems to be to protect the walls of the house from atmospheric influences. Protective covering mandatory for aerated concrete walls, as they will begin to deteriorate due to the influence external factors and its own high hygroscopicity.

So, for finishing aerated concrete, you should choose plaster mixtures that have high water-repellent properties and a high coefficient of vapor permeability. Also, the finishing material for aerated concrete must have the following properties:


    Frost resistance;

    Good adhesion to porous materials;

How to choose the right finishing material?

The main thing is to understand why construction from aerated concrete has become so popular now. Its most important advantage is that it is able to “breathe” due to its porous structure. Therefore you cannot use ordinary plaster, since it will clog all the pores, the walls will no longer allow air and moisture to pass through, that is, they will become airtight.

In order to avoid this, you need a mixture with the necessary indicators:

    The mixture should be water-repellent;

    The plaster must have a high compression ratio and create high level mechanical strength.

    The mixture must withstand temperature changes. The solution must match climatic conditions the place where the house is located, otherwise the coating will not last you long.

Naturally, the work must be carried out to the highest standards:

    Work with the material must be carried out in accordance with all the requirements of the instructions attached to the specific material.

    It is important to pay attention to factors such as ambient temperature and humidity.

    The finishing is also seriously affected by the quality of the wall itself, the reinforcement produced, the quality of the glue, and others.

    The amount of adhesion plays an important role in this matter. For better adhesion, the walls must be treated with a primer.

Plaster material suitable for aerated concrete walls:

This plaster is a dry mixture with polymer additives that help it acquire the necessary characteristics:

    High adhesion;

    Water resistance;

    Vapor permeability;

    Frost resistance.

To plaster walls, you can use various mixtures:





Any of the specialized solutions has all the characteristics we need. They also do not have a high cost.

But there are also disadvantages, such as low water-holding capacity and a slow increase in strength, this is clearly noticeable especially in the fall, when the air becomes high humidity and low temperature.

The layer thickness must be more than 10mm. With well-laid blocks, the effect is perfect flat wall. It is also not worth putting a too thick layer of the mixture in order to save money.

Thin-layer plaster mixtures

Master plasterers may advise you to use thin-layer “warm” mixtures; they can also be used on walls of porous structures and cellular concrete. For these mixtures, the layer thickness should not exceed 10 mm.

Thin-layer plasters for aerated concrete contain:

    Perlite sand;

  • Fractional fillers;

    Modifying additives;

Vapor permeability allows for faster removal of moisture, installation takes place optimal humidity and indoor temperature.

Now on the building materials market you can find different kinds plasters for aerated concrete, they all differ in both the degree of vapor permeability and the level of density, and of course in price.

In order for the plaster coating to be durable and serve you for many years, you need to use plaster that has approximately the following characteristics:

    The plaster must retain water at least 98%, so as not to shrink due to loss of moisture, which will be “sucked out” by aerated concrete. The mixture will not have detachments, and it will create excellent conditions for hydration.

    After you prepare the mixture, you will need to use it within 3 hours, so it will lie evenly, and in the future you will not have to putty it.

    The adhesion of the hardened mixture should be approximately 0.5 to 0.6 MPa.

    The average density of the hardened solution must be at least 1000 kg/m³.

    The plaster must be resistant to changes in humidity. After overcoming 250 cycles, adhesion should exceed 0.45 MPa.

    Frost resistance must be at least F50. That is, it must withstand up to 50 cycles of temperature changes.

    Even if cracks up to 0.3 mm form in aerated concrete. the plaster must remain intact.

    After rain, the mixture should dry quickly.

    Do not have large shrinkage so that cracks do not appear.

    Deformations due to temperature changes must correspond to the masonry parameters.

    The compressive strength should be the same as that of aerated concrete.

    The elasticity of the mixture should not be higher than the elasticity of the wall.

Aerated concrete blocks are a masonry material increasingly chosen by consumers as a building material for the construction of buildings and structures. This is also true for individual construction, and for industrial. This is not to say that aerated concrete is a new product. It is a type of cellular concrete and is an artificial stone characterized by a uniform distribution of pores spherical shape throughout the entire volume. The material has a solid service life, but requires certain protection from external influences. Facade plaster on aerated concrete – great way increase the durability of structures, giving them a presentable appearance pleasing to the eye. In our opinion, a skilled homeowner can handle this type of work on their own. We suggest you decide whether this is possible for you specifically after reading this information and recommendation material.

What you need to know about aerated concrete

To understand the essence of facade plaster on aerated concrete, you need to know technical specifications this masonry material. So, we have already drawn your attention to the fact that it has a porous structure, and any pore in size can be from 1 to 3 mm in diameter. This feature of aerated concrete gives it both positive and negative properties.

Important! Vapor permeability is another very important parameter aerated concrete. It can be used both for the benefit of the structure and for the detriment. So, this quality can serve as the basis for creating a favorable microclimate in the house. If, however, the external finishing is done incorrectly and the vapor permeability of the walls increases in the direction from outside to inside, then this will inevitably lead to the opposite result.

You also cannot ignore one more aspect - aerated concrete is characterized by low bending strength. Taking this into account, if it is chosen as a material for the construction of walls, then the following measures are mandatory:

  • installation of a monolithic foundation;
  • reinforcement of the masonry itself, the floors, as well as the rafter structure.

These technical subtleties are directly related to the topic of facade plaster on aerated concrete, since only by taking them into account can you count on obtaining a durable, beautiful exterior wall finish.

What should the plaster be like?

Another factor that should be emphasized when considering how to plaster the facade of a house made of aerated concrete is the characteristics of the plaster mixture. Modern market provides the consumer with unlimited freedom of choice finishing materials, including facade plaster.

However, no matter which brand is preferred, plaster that is “suitable” for application to aerated concrete must have the following qualities:

  • High compressive strength.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations.
  • Resistance to external factors.
  • Excellent adhesion.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Vapor permeability.

Basically this is General requirements, which correspond to the majority special mixtures, intended for application to surfaces made of both aerated concrete and other cellular materials. To understand what you need when choosing, you need to carefully study the packaging of the product. If there is appropriate marking there, then everything is in order.

By the way: high-quality facade plaster will be accompanied by certificates of conformity highest standards European quality. A special designation on the packaging will also inform the consumer about this.

Before plastering the facade of a house made of aerated concrete, you need to understand what budget you can allocate for such an event. If you do comparative analysis plasters, then it will be obvious that the compositions for application specifically to aerated concrete are somewhat higher in cost. We would like to warn you that this is not a reason to save money and purchase cheap analogues of dubious “reputation”. In practice, it has long been proven that both the appearance of the facade and its performance will suffer, including the following:

  • violation of air exchange;
  • formation of cracks;
  • high humidity;
  • peeling plaster, etc.

Facade plaster on aerated concrete: algorithm in a nutshell

When applying plaster to a porous material, the following sequence of operations must be observed:

  • High quality exterior decoration aerated concrete walls necessarily involve priming the surface with a special compound.
  • Using self-tapping screws on the facade, you need to secure a reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass that is resistant to alkali.

Important! The use of a special reinforcing mesh is very important factor, since the traditional one will collapse in a very short time, which will cause the formation of cracks in the plastered surface.

  • A special porous plaster mixture, characterized by high vapor permeability, is applied to the walls. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the outer layer of plaster should be twice as thin as the thickness of the interior finish.
  • A fully stabilized plastered surface is given decorative design by painting with a special vapor-permeable paint of the selected color. As an option facade finishing– application of a special three-layer external coating.
  • After 1.5-2 years, a well-seasoned layer of plaster on aerated concrete should be hydrophobized in order to increase its service life.

Attention! Plaster mixtures with the help of which surfaces of increased vapor permeability are constructed involve the inclusion of light perlite sand, as well as slaked lime, in the formulation.

Tools and technology – “classics of the genre”

Plastering aerated concrete does not require any special tools, everything is as usual:

  • container for mixing the solution;
  • construction mixer or drill with a special attachment;
  • trowel or trowel, or plasterer's ladle.

The dry mixture, according to the manufacturer's instructions (do not forget to carefully study what is written on the packaging), is mixed with the addition of water and brought to the desired consistency. The resulting composition is applied to the wall by “throwing” it, leveled and rubbed with a float. To remove excess plaster mortar from surfaces large area semiter is used. The wall surface is leveled using beacons - the same as in classical plastering technology. The tightening of the solution between the guides occurs through a rule.

Important! The final stage of work is checking the quality of execution. For these purposes, a rail commensurate with the height of the ceilings of the room is suitable. It is applied to the surface both horizontally and vertically, which allows you to highlight possible defects. The permissible non-critical error is 6-7 mm.

If we talk about receiving absolutely flat surface freshly plastered walls, then an additional procedure is smoothing approximately 24 hours after applying the plaster. Previously work area you need to wet it - slightly. And only after this, as we have already indicated above, is painting done with paint specially designed for aerated concrete.

The most common mistake when designing a facade

Practical experience shows that often construction works When building a house, including those made from aerated concrete blocks, they run out closer to winter. Next, according to the logic of things, the design of the facade should be carried out, and already in winter period It's time for interior transformations. This working scheme will be correct in many cases, but is not applicable to buildings made of cellular aerated concrete blocks.

Attention! Plastering the facade should be carried out only after all “wet” internal work has been completed without exception. Finishing work– plastering of structures, pouring screeds, puttying.

In short, the façade can be “made” only after the premises have been completely removed excess moisture. In order to understand the importance of this point, you need to know the “physics” of the processes.

  • So, in any case, if the decoration of walls, ceilings or floors involves solutions for the room, which means one of the main ingredients is water.
  • It gradually evaporates and is excreted through ventilation system and through the pores in the walls.
  • If these mechanisms are launched at the moment when external environment is in a low-temperature mode, then water in a vapor state will begin to condense in the wall structure or at the border outdoor area aerated concrete and facade plaster.
  • Further, freezing of the collected moisture will inevitably occur and, accordingly, destruction of the facade finishing. Moreover, it is worth noting that a similar fate awaits plaster even of the highest quality.
  • As in any business, it is not enough to just use quality materials, a prerequisite for achieving success is strict adherence to the work technology, taking into account climatic features specific region.

In principle, this is all the information that a “handy” homeowner needs to make a building made of porous masonry material presentable and presentable. functional type. We hope that the topic of how to plaster the facade of a house made of aerated concrete is now clear to our readers in all aspects. We also recommend that you watch the topical video.